About D2jsp

D2jsp.com is the trading hub of Diablo II and it has been for over 15 years now. While some players still arrange some trades in-game, that method of trading is considered the "old fashioned way". D2jsp is where nearly all trades happen.
The truth is, like it or not, virtually every person who is a serious and experienced player is using D2jsp to trade. So this isn't an "Opt in or out" kind of thing if you're serious about trading. If you really want trades to happen reliably, you are going to use this site for your trading, because it's where 97% of trades happen.
D2jsp is a forum where items and services are bought and sold auction-style with a unique currency called Forum Gold.
For instance, if someone has a Jah Rune for trade, they will make a thread titled as such in the appropriate forum for their server. Then, those who are interested in buying it with Forum Gold will comment on it with offers in amounts of Forum Gold.
Once a deal is made, the players will private message each other to arrange to meet in-game for the trade. By default, (Once both players have met in-game) the buyer typically pays Forum Gold first (By getting back on D2jsp and sending the FG) before the seller hands the item over in-game. (I will go over how scamming is handled later)
Sometimes the person offering the item for trade will have a minimum bid and sometimes a "Buy It Now" or "BIN" amount as well. A BIN means that the first person to offer this price will get it immediately, regardless of other bids. So if someone comments "BIN Zod Rune for 10", they are saying
"I will buy your Zod Rune for the 10 Forum Gold BIN price". They may even simplify it to "BIN Zod", when the seller has set a BIN price.
If the person offering the item says "C/O #", that just means that that number is the current offer or in other words, the highest bid they've gotten so far.
Some trades are done as "ISO" (Or plainly, as buyers). ISO means In Search Of. So if you need a Ber Rune, you can make a thread such as "ISO Ber Rune" and people will comment what price they expect for their Ber Runes.
Trades are often done in bulk lists. So usually an "ISO List" is a list of items the player wants to buy and people will comment with what item they have from the list and how much they want for it. On the flip side, of course, there are people who are selling a large list of items and people will comment with what item they want and how much they offer for it. Most sell lists will have a BIN on a lot of items.
The short answer is, technically yes, but the question is whether or not someone likely will. The answer to that is NO. You get banned from D2jsp by getting caught scamming and scam accusations alone can damage your reputation on the site to where fewer people will deal with you. To get banned from D2jsp or garner a bad reputation would defeat the purpose of using it.
While it does happen, scamming is a very rare thing. Usually, scammers go for or use high price items that are worth hundreds or in some extreme cases, thousands of dollars worth in Forum Gold.
This is why higher price items are met with a much more involved buying process than others. The buyers, for instance, may expect history of ownership of that item, a highly trusted reputation or vouch, or the seller to have a long tenure and trade history with the site. The buyers (Who are smart) will also take screenshots, both of private messages on D2jsp and in-game to use as evidence in case of a scam. So as long as you aren't one of the high rollers, you shouldn't worry too much about being scammed.
I have been using D2jsp since 2008 and have bought & sold hundreds of items, and to date (2021) I have never been scammed once... but to be fair, I have rarely dealt with items worth more than 1,000 FG ($30) or even 300 FG for that matter.
You absolutely can buy Forum Gold for real money (At a general rate of $10 per 300 FG), but it is frowned upon by some, so I wouldn't go announcing to the entire community that I did.
That depends on who you ask. Me personally, only if you go overboard with it (Blowing hundreds of dollars or more). I don't think most people will judge you for busting out $10 for 300 FG once in awhile.
In general, Diablo II has always had item-shop websites to buy items for money and I can make an argument for using them.
I don't wish to sound vitriolic or judgemental to those who can/do, but not everyone can grind away farming items to sell, for several or more hours every day, to amass a fortune. Some people have children, jobs, friends, families, and other games & activities that take precedence over Diablo II.
I don't think it's okay or fair to expect them to accept an extreme disadvantage for that. So if that's the group you fall into, I don't think you should be too ashamed to drop some pocket change on Forum Gold.

Why should I use D2jsp?
What is D2jsp?
How does D2jsp work?

What about scamming?
Can't someone just take my Forum Gold and run?

Can you buy Forum Gold for money?

Isn't there an ethical issue to buying FG (Therefor items) for money?