There are two parts to these rules: The Five Main Rules and the "Myths We Don't Perpetuate Here" It goes without saying that breaking these rules will get comments deleted or even accounts banned. These rules apply to ALL of the forum and not just parts of it. Rule #1: While I (Blockinlick) will be lenient to a degree on language and vitriol (Because I do think that aggressive open discourse leads to learning), don't push your luck. Too much is too much and too far is too far. Rule #2: No racism, sexism, or any offensive slurs or insults of any kind related to race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Rule #3: No politics. Period. It doesn't matter if a discussion opens up a window into political relevance, work around it. Rule #4: No trolling, no spam, stay on topic. Rule #5: "Look what I found" and "My runeword didn't work" posts have threads for them. These types of posts that are made outside of the appropriate thread will be deleted. So if you just found Shako or ohm rune and want to share that, share it in the "Look what I found" thread. We do not need a new thread every time someone finds a good item. If your runeword didn't work, refer to the "My runeword didn't work" thread. DO NOT post it outside of that thread. ~Myths We Don't Perpetuate Here~ Many Diablo II communities are plagued by myths and misinformation. The whole purpose and idea behind this community is for less-knowledgeable players to have a place to come to learn about the intricacies of the game. That said, the prevalence of certain myths is a real threat to that idea working as intended. Perpetuation of the following myths will get your comment deleted. Repeated offenses may get you a ban. #1. Magic find affecting rune drops myth The claim, insinuation, or assumption that Magic Find has any bearing on rune drops, whether it is the number of runes or which runes they are is false. -Magic Find only decides whether an item that has dropped is magic (blue, yellow, gold, green) and determines which type of magic item it is. -Magic Find DOES NOT affect the number of items that drop in any way whatsoever. -Runes are NOT and CANNOT be magical items and therefore live outside of Magic Find. #2. The MF Sweetspot myth An excess of Magic Find will NOT override your yellows, golds, & greens with blues. This is because the game checks which magic the item is in reverse, starting with unique, then set, then rare, then magic, then non-magic. That said, excess MF granting a lot more blues will end up with less whites and nothing more. Saying there is a sweetspot in terms of kill speed vs MF is fine... but saying there is a sweetspot in terms of getting more golds/yellows/greens vs blues is a falsity. ...and NO, your anecdotes of RNG (No matter how substantial) do not override this fact. It is written in the source code that modders and coders have read, divulged, and confirmed. Saying "I ran a bot for 100,000 runs and the pattern shows this" -Is not a refutation. It is at best a testament to the vastness of the games drop-tables, perhaps a misinterpretation of the data collected, or at worst an outright lie. #3. Not all ethereal or blue items are worthless This rule is moreso about who chimes in and how they go about it, rather than the perpetuation of a myth. If someone posts an ethereal item or a blue item and its value is in question, it should be handled by "those who know" rather than "those who think". If your knowledge of the item is a "I think it is this", do not proceed to comment unless you make it very clear that you are either not sure or that your comment is merely your personal opinion. Your input is valuable but a misinterpreted certainty may mislead people. This is a problem, because new players often toss away things like Eth HoZ, Eth Arreats, Eth Eschutas, JMOD/JSTOD, Volcanic FCR Circlets, etc because a bunch of "I think I know" voices flooded out the "ones who know" trying to tell them they were worth something. -Examples of acceptable responses- "I don't think Eth Arreats is worth much, but that's just my opinion" "If the ED is high enough, eth Arreats is worth a lot. If it's mediocre or low, the market tends to reject them" "It's my opinion that a low ED Eth Arreats isn't worth putting a Zod rune in" -Examples of UNAcceptable responses- Any iteration of "Charsie/Garbage/Worthless/[Amount] gold" etc "A low Eth Arreats would be a waste of a Zod" "Eth Arreats is not worth much" "Don't Zod this"
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