Hammerdin Technique

Desynch & Telestomp
There are two main techniques for piloting a hammerdin in PvP, Desynch and Telestomp. Desynch is using a combination of the skills Charge and Vigor to run around the battlefield like the comic book character The Flash. Telestomp is using Teleport for mobility and clicking on someone to teleport right onto them.
Which one should I go with?
Both techniques have their perks, but Telestomp is the more balanced technique. Desynch is generally stronger due to its unpredictability, while Telestomp is a very predictable strategy. Desynch is less balanced, because it fails pretty badly against certain opponents, particularly trapsins. (Not to mention that the charge-lock bug is problematic) This is why I recommend actually using both techniques. Where Desynch is strong, Telestomp is outclassed, but where Desynch is weak, Telestomp excels. Mastering both of these techniques and being able to use them interchangeably is the true technical achievement of a hammerdin player.
Why is it called Desynch?
It is called Desynch (Short for De-synchronization), because of how it de-synchronizes the server as far as where the server tracks your movement. In layman's terms, you are the only person who can see where you really are half of the time when you are Desynching. It is said that the server corrects this roughly every 15 seconds, so it ends up being pretty random.
This happens because the server doesn't calculate extra run/walk speed from charms or skills. Combining the extra run/walk from Vigor with Charge, increases this effect significantly.
This is really what makes Desynch such a powerful technique. Even experienced players who KNOW you are doing it can have a hard time reading it.
What do the hotkeys look like?
The recommended hotkeys are ASZX.
-Blessed Hammer as A
-Concentration as S
-Charge as Z
-Vigor as X
Hold down Shift the entire time with your ring and pinky.
The run, hold Z with your middle and X with your index.
To Hammer, move your middle & index together to A & S