Quick Reference Build Guide
There are 20 basic skill builds that are optimal, not including niche builds (Frenzy, Medic, etc) or utility builds (Chanter, Popper, etc). If you are not using one of these builds, you are not playing optimally and will likely struggle a lot more than otherwise.
The purpose of this guide is to give you a very concise overview of each optimal build and its role among the others.
Orientation = whether this build is meant for PvP or PvM
Threshold = The level range where this build has viability. Some builds are only good once your character is a certain level. This is rated between Low (Under 30), Mid (Under 60), and Peak (60+)
Note: I am not including Low Level Dueling as a factor in any of these measurements. That said, naturally, all PvP characters will be Peak.
Rating: My opinion on the builds overall effectiveness on a 1-10 scale. Keep in mind that these ratings factor in flexibility and versatility as well as strength.
Note: A * indicates a utility skill that only needs one or a few points invested.
MGT = Minimum Gear Tier. Used to indicate builds that aren't effective until a sufficient quality of gear is used. Most builds don't have a Minimum Gear Tier, so most builds wont have the category included.
-Optimal means that the build requires a really good setup before it is worth using.
-Elite means that the build isn't great unless you have, generally, the best gear in the game for it.
SF>SC = Skill Floor to Skill Ceiling, rated from low to mid to high and very high.
Skill Floor is how easily a player can pick up the build and perform well right away.
Skill Ceiling is how much room for improvement can be made with practice and experience.
About Variants
Some builds or classes have certain variations for different purposes. These variants will be outlined in a variant section of each class or build.
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Elite
PvP Rating: 6
PvM Rating: 0
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
The epitome of Glass-Cannon builds in Diablo II. Has the highest damage potential and can "1 hit" most characters if geared optimally, but also has the biggest vulnerabilities.
Skills: Charge + Fanaticism, Vigor*, Holy Shield*
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Optimal
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 4
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
Smite always hits, with few exceptions (Such as Amazon Dodge). So it can't be blocked and doesn't care about defense rating. This, alongside its massive damage potential that is second only to a Charger ("2-3 hits" most characters if geared optimally), having the highest defense rating potential in the game, and high health, makes the Smiter a very dangerous dueler. Its need to fight up-close and personal is its one and only pitfall in PvP.
Skills: Smite + Fanaticism, Holy Shield, Charge*, Vigor*, Defiance (Optional)
Uber Smite: A Smiter designed specifically to do "Uber Tristram" and "Clone Diablo" that is more focused on defense, resistances, crushing blow, and casting Lifetap.
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 10
PvM Rating: 10
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
The most iconic build of Diablo II and arguably the very best. Its damage output is among the highest despite being able to deliver it while constantly being mobile. Its offense is oftentimes its best defense, as getting close enough to a hammerdin to damage them requires dodging their hammers that linger spinning around the battlefield.
Skills: Blessed Hammer + Concentration, Vigor, Blessed Aim, Charge*, Holy Shield*
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Optimal
PvP Rating: 7
PvM Rating: 1
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
While almost a niche build, Fisters can do such devastating damage from a distance that it's considered an optimal build. Even characters who stack on lightning resistance are not always safe from them, since their aura lowers resistance and their attacks do so much damage. Their one weakness is still that their damage is 100% elemental and so its damage can be mitigated to a tolerable degree.
Skills: Fist of the Heavens + Conviction, Holy Bolt, Holy Shield*, Charge*
-Vindicator Templar (AKA V.T.)
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Elite
PvP Rating: 9
PvM Rating: 5
SF>SC: Low to Mid
Brief Description:
The VT is a Smiter/Fister hybrid, with Smite as the main focus and Fist of the Heavens a supplemental ranged attack to cover the Smiters weakness to ranged characters like Hammerdins and Bone Necromancers. This makes a very well rounded build that is greater than the sum of its parts in PvP.
Skills: Smite/Fist of the Heavens + Fanaticism/Conviction*, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Charge*
Orientation: PvM
Threshold: Any
PvP Rating: 6
PvM Rating: 8
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
The Zealer is primarily a PvM build, but some enjoy it as a niche build in PvP. Its Holy Fire variant is arguably the strongest and most reliable build in the 1-30 level range, making it the ideal build to level a new Paladin up with.
Skills: Zeal + Fanaticism, Holy Shield, Charge*, Sacrifice, Defiance
Sorceress Variants
Energy Shield or ES: An ES Sorceress has elite level gear that is focused heavily on increasing her mana pool, as ES uses said mana pool as a life pool. An ES Sorceress also typically has lots of mana regeneration for this reason as well.
Vita: A build that doesn't invest points in dexterity for block to instead focus on a larger life pool. These builds typically are only meant to duel other casters, since having a low block makes them weak to melee characters.
That said, a Sorceress can be ES and or Vita and it depends a lot on a few things, such as: what build you choose, what purpose you have in mind for it, and how flexible you wish it to be. Some builds that require less skills to max, like Frozen Orb, tend to work better as ES (Because it has more points to put into ES) as well.
A flexible Sorceress wont be really strong against anything, but it wont be really weak to anything either. While a focused Sorceress will be really strong against certain things and really weak against almost everything else.
The overall best flexible build is ES with max block (75%), but keep in mind that good ES gear doesn't come cheap.
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 7
PvM Rating: 8
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
More reliable damage spread than its counterpart, Lightning, and also benefits from faster cast rate more. The downside is overall less damage.
Skills: Fireball, Fire Bolt, Meteor, Fire Mastery, Teleport*, Static Field*
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 9
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
The highest damage sorceress build. Its biggest downside is that its cast speed doesn't budge as much as its counterpart, Fireball, and the speed the attack travels is slower as well. That doesn't stop it from being the top choice for Sorceress builds though.
Skills: Lightning, Chain Lightning, Charged Bolt, Lightning Mastery, Lightning Storm*, Teleport*, Static Field*
-Frozen Orb
Orientation: PvM
Threshold: Mid
PvP Rating: 4
PvM Rating: 7
SF>SC: Low to Mid
Brief Description:
Orb is a really good choice to go ES and it has the biggest AoE in the game, however, its damage peaks early. This means that it is really strong in the 40-70 level range, but becomes weak by the time you reach level 85+
Skills: Frozen Orb, Ice Bolt, Cold Mastery, Teleport*, Shiver Armor*, Static Field*
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Peak
PvP Rating: 9
PvM Rating: 6
SF>SC: Mid to Very High
Brief Description:
Blizzards damage output can almost compare to Lightning, but its attack having a tiny AoE makes it harder to connect. In PvP, the Blizzard Sorceress is a bit scarier than the Lightning or Fireball Sorceress' because its attack lingers, can hit more than once, and its Cold Mastery pierces resistances.
Skills: Blizzard, Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, Glacial Spike, Cold Mastery, Teleport*, Shiver Armor*, Static Field*
Orientation: PvM
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 3
PvM Rating: 6
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
Typically a build used to farm certain areas for items (Such as The Pit in Hell Act 1) and commonly used as a place-holder build until the player can get the necessitated mercenary runeword, Infinity, that breaks immunities.
Skills: Frozen Orb, Ice Bolt, Meteor, Fireball, Fire Mastery, Teleport*, Chilling Armor*, Static Field*
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 7
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
When it comes to optimal builds, you really only have one choice with Barbarians, at least in the late game. Dual Berserker Axe Whirlwind. There are many niche builds like Frenzy, Wolfbarb, Zerker, etc, but none of them come close to Whirlwinds burst damage and utility.
Skills: Whirlwind, Axe Mastery, Battle Orders, Shout, Battle Command*, Iron Skin*, Natural Resistance*, Increased Speed*
-Bone Spear
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 6
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
The build of choice for PvP Necromancers. Unlike other builds, the Bone Nec's skill tree has synergy between both offensive and defensive (Bone Armor) skills, as well as utility (Bone Wall) skills, making them both dangerous and tanky.
Skills: Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, Bone Wall, Bone Prison, Bone Armor, Amplify Damage*
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Any
PvP Rating: 6
PvM Rating: 8
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
Summoner Nec's create an army of minions. It's a very powerful PvM build for obvious reasons and a very controversial build in PvP. In PvP it is considered "Bad Manners" or "BM", so using it in organized "GM" PvP is not advised.
Skills: Summon Skeleton, Summon Skeletal Mage, Skeleton Mastery, Fire Golem, Revive, Summon Resistance*, Amplify Damage*
-GA Bowazon
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Any
MGT: Optimal
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 4
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
The Guided Arrow Zon is a fearsome build in PvP because it has the furthest range attack in the game that also locks onto you and can be fired at a fast rate. Its weakness is that it has limited mobility, a very low health pool, and can't control very well what its arrows target when there are multiple enemies. That said, GA Zons are filed as a glass-cannon build that tries to kill the opponent before they can be reached.
Skills: Guided Arrow, Dodge, Avoid, Evade, Critical Strike, Penetrate* Valkyrie*, Decoy*
-Lightning Fury Java
Orientation: PvM
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 3
PvM Rating: 9
SF>SC: Low to Low
Brief Description:
An often underrated PvM build that is right up there with the Hammerdin and the Lightning Sorceress, but lacking severely in PvP unlike the aforementioned. Lightning Fury spreads fast to virtually all monsters in the area, wiping out large swaths of them in an instant.
Skills: Lightning Fury, Power Strike, Charged Strike, Lightning Strike, Dodge*, Avoid*, Evade*, Valkyrie*
Variations of Trap Assassins or Trapsins are really the only optimal choice for assassins. Kick and Whirlwind Assassins are worth mentioning, but not quite strong or versatile enough to include in an optimal list of builds.
-Ghost Trapsin
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Elite
PvP Rating: 10
PvM Rating: 6
SF>SC: High to Very High
Brief Description:
In my personal opinion, the Ghost Assassin is the biggest contender to the Hammerdins top spot for best PvP build. However, it has a high skill floor. It combines the stun effects of Wake of Fire traps and Mind Blast to keep opponents' mobility locked down and vulnerable. On top of that, its whirlwind will be loaded with poison, open wounds, and crushing blow. This is a build that takes patience, because it kills its opponents slowly but surely.
Skills: Whirlwind (via Chaos runeword), Wake of Fire, Claw Block*, Mind Blast*, Burst of Speed*, Fade*, Venom*, Shadow Master*
-Hybrid Trapsin
Orientation: PvP
Threshold: Peak
MGT: Optimal
PvP Rating: 9
PvM Rating: 7
SF>SC: Mid to Very High
Brief Description:
Whirlwind and Lightning Sentry traps are a deadly combination. Contrary to the Ghost build, the Hybrid Trapsin is all about killing you faster by using Whirlwind to supplement or be an alternative to its trap damage.
Skills: Whirlwind (via Chaos runeword), Lightning Sentry, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry, Death Sentry, Claw Block*, Mind Blast*, Burst of Speed*, Fade*, Venom*, Shadow Master*
-LS Trapsin
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 8
PvM Rating: 8
SF>SC: Low to High
Brief Description:
When someone says Trapsin or Trapper, they are likely referring to Lightning Sentry Trapsins. This build leans on its traps for virtually all of its damage and focuses its other pursuits on evading enemies and keeping a safe distance.
Skills: Lightning Sentry, Claw Block*, Mind Blast*, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry, Death Sentry, Burst of Speed*, Fade*, Shadow Master*
Max MB: A sort of variant of this build is to max Mind Blast at the cost of less points into trap synergies. You will do 15% less damage overall, but having a larger AoE Mind Blast with a longer stun has its perks.
Much like the Barbarian, there are a few niche Druid builds worth mentioning like wolf & bear builds, but not quite good enough to be considered optimal. That said, there is one singular optimal build for Druids and that is the Windy (Sometimes referred to as Ele) build.
Windy Dudu
Orientation: Any
Threshold: Mid to Peak
PvP Rating: 9
PvM Rating: 8
SF>SC: Mid to High
Brief Description:
In PvP, the Windy Dudu is the definitive slippery character. They teleport around the map using a bunch of wolves (Which they can keep recasting) as meat shields and strike with devastating mid-range Tornado's right after their Hurricane passive freezes and damages you. As a Hammerdin main, it's one of the match-ups I avoid the most.
Skills: Tornado, Hurricane, Twister, Cyclone Armor, Summon Spirit Wolf, Oak Sage