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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Burr

Developers get mocked, but I place blame on the consumers

What I am about to say is going to trigger virtually every gamer, because it implicates virtually everyone. I don't expect many, if any to agree with all of this, but that's okay... I'm a realist, a cynic, and oftentimes, a contrarian. It's 2019 and the gaming industry is a hot steaming pile of garbage. Every game has some form of "pay for extra content", whether it's microtransactions, lootboxes, DLC, etc. Nearly all games now focus their budget heavily on aesthetics, instead of game-play. Games are still being released with lots of bugs, and if you ask some, more than ever. Most games are now rehashes, remakes, or remasters... and so on, but, while it's easy to point the finger at the developers, it's not their fault or their problem. The blame is on the consumer. Game developers are making games for profit. So if millions of morons are willing to buy half of a rehashed game for full price with bugs, microtransactions, and bad game-play disguised by good graphics, why would developers be interested in investing in original, fun, innovative, fully developed, flushed-out quality experiences? The former costs them almost nothing to develop, while the latter are often make-or-break risks. So they're going to keep making what you keep buying. People use the term "Vote with your wallet" a lot, when it comes to businesses mingling in politics. Well, big gaming developers are churning out bad gaming experiences, because people are voting for that with their wallets. Millions of people are spending their hard-earned money on hot garbage and it only leads to MORE hot garbage. People are also affected by what I call "Nostalgic-Hype Syndrome". A gaming company rehashes, remasters, or remakes a successful game or franchise and people buy it without hesitation. Some of them act like "Surprised Pikachu" when the game is trash, but most end up with a worse, deeper issue... denial. They force themselves to ignore or downplay their feeling of disappointment and continue playing anyways, while their subconsciousness utters "This is fine. It's FINE. I promise, it's fine". Then the idiot buys the next same-titled game, hoping it will be different this time. It wont be. Then you have too many people who either have low or no standards for game-play at all. Mostly, I'm implicating people who only care about aesthetics, namely graphics. As long as it looks cool, modern, and provides a riveting interactive-cinematic-esque experience, they don't give a damn if the game-play itself is trash. They don't even care if the extent of the game-play is "Mash one button the whole time". They'll buy it, they'll play it, they'll enjoy it, and the game developers will keep doing it for them. As a gamer who actually has game-play standards, I believe that if you would downgrade a game to PS1-era graphics and it wouldn't be fun anymore... it's garbage. If you were to remove all microtransactions/lootboxes and a game isn't fun anymore... it's garbage. If it's a rehash among rehashes meant to sucker fans of the franchise into buying every new title. That's right, garbage. And it's all your fault. You keep buying it, they'll keep making it. The conclusion here is that more people like playing garbage than people who actually want good game-play. More people are suckers for nostalgia-pandering than those who would just be happy still owning the original. The gaming developers don't just suck, the gaming community does too.

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