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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Burr

New official Magic rule "Flip a coin to win" introduced [Satire]

[The following is satire, is fictional, and Wizards of the Coast has said or done no such thing] Wizards of the Coast recently dropped a bombshell of a new ruling feature for its popular trading card game, Magic the Gathering. Leading game developer Seamus Shill announced Tuesday at a press release "For years, competitive Magic has operated on a combination of meta-net-decking, bloated deck budgets, and sheer luck. We figured, why not streamline that model?" According to Mr. Shill, people entering a tourney will simply show the registrar their $600-$2,000 meta deck and they will be given a "token-card" representing that deck. If their deck isn't up to par with existing meta-decks, they will not be allowed to compete. Then they will be given a written test about piloting that deck and allowed entry if passed. Built decks are no longer played, all the player has to do is lay down their meta-deck token-card. After that, the game simply consists of flipping a coin to win. One excited Magic player at the press release, Andy Phanboy exclaimed "This is great. The games & tourneys are so fast now and we don't have to waste our time on non-meta, low-budget players anymore" He continues "And now we can play up to 30 tournaments per event, instead of just a couple! Talk about getting my money's worth out of my $1,200 meta deck that I copied off of someone else!" Another player at the event, whom we couldn't get a name said "This is what competitive Magic has always been. This has been long overdue" It seems Magic is about to hit peak popularity, now that the competitive scene is streamlined better than ever!

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