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  • Writer's pictureJeremy Burr

The Final Fantasy VII remake many of us actually wanted

Final Fantasy VII is one of my all-time favorite games, but unlike some, I'm not really excited for the remake. I wouldn't mind if they changed something here and there and made some needed adjustments. I would even be open to them changing the battle-mechanics, if they did it well. That's not what we're getting, though. What we are getting is a complete overhaul of everything. Absolutely nothing, aside from the core characters, will be the same. The battle system, the story, the mechanics, what materia there are, how materia works, the equipment mechanics, the dialogue, the setting, the enemies, everything... ev... er... y... thing. That's not what some of us wanted at all. Some of us are huge fans of the original and we each spent at least 100 hours enjoying those battle-mechanics, that story, that dialogue, that system, that setting, etc. That said, plenty of us are not interested in a game whose only apparent commonality is the characters and vaguely the plot. We want to play the game that gave us over 100 hours of fun. So what exactly is it that I would have wanted, myself? The same original game, but with the graphics demonstrated by the current remake. That's it. That's all I wanted. I wouldn't care if they fixed some bugs, like the W-Item dupe, or even if they balanced a few things, like making Sephiroth NOT a pushover to anyone who has played through more than once. So yeah, I'm not interested in this remake, because it's as far away from THAT as possible.

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